Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for Consumers

This agreement defines the terms and conditions and privacy policy for use of the Swabi Tastes platform. By using Swabi Tastes, you implicitly agree to these general terms. Please use this document to understand what is expected of you as a consumer, what is expected of Swabi Mobile Inc, the provider of Swabi Tastes, and what is expected for all interactions between you as a consumer and Swabi Tastes.
Find A Restaurant
This feature allows you to search and find the following items: 1. Nearby Restaurants, 2. Nearby Chains, 3. Nearby Daily Special, 4. Nearby Birthday Gifts, 5. Nearby Swabi Smart Choices, 6. Nearby Swabi Best Choices
Swabi Mobile does not guarantee you will find any specific search item above. For instance, finding today’s Daily Special for Sang’s Thai Cuisine may not exist for that given day.
Your searches will not be exported or shared to third parties, however, we reserve to store the data in our internal software system for purposes strictly internal to Swabi Tastes and our affiliates.
Your current location is used to provide you opportunities to save through sales and promotions offered by nearby restaurants.
Shopping Cart
This is where your selected items are held. The guarantee of correctness for orders should be made by confirmation between the restaurant receiving the order and the consumer. For instance, please be prepared to answer a phone call in order for the restaurant to confirm the correct order. Swabi Mobile will not provide external third parties the details of your order.
If the consumer doesn’t receive a text message regarding the processing of their order, the consumer is responsible to contact the restaurant to confirm receipt of the order and inquiry about the fulfillment of that order.
Delivery or Pick Up
Delivery is not offered directly by Swabi Tastes but will be offered on the platform only if the restaurant has their own delivery service. If the restaurant displays the delivery option and you elect to have that service, the restaurant is responsible to fulfill the order. For pickup, you should receive a text message during the order processing so that you know when the order will be ready as well as when each step in the process is reached.
Credit Card Processing
Credit card processing is implemented through Braintree and as a client of Braintree, Swabi Mobile complies with all industry guidelines for credit card processing. If there is a dispute, please reconcile with either the restaurant directly or directly with Swabi Mobile Inc. before having to contact your bank. Swabi Mobile and our affiliates are here to serve and assist you when there is any discrepancies regarding credit card processing. Your credit card information is secured through Braintree software as well as Swabi Mobile’s software and we take your security very seriously.
Order History
Order history is kept confidential internally within the Swabi Taste platform. We protect your data from third parties and do not share that data outside the Swabi Tastes platform.
Sharing Features
Each and every share message that you make is kept internally and confidentially by Swabi Tastes and affiliate restaurants in order to give you credit for our rewards program. Rewards policies are defined individually by each affiliate restaurant.